Waste Separation

Waste separation is an important environmental protection measure aimed at achieving effective recycling of resources and protection of the environment through rational separation and disposal of waste. The following is a detailed explanation of waste classification:


Rubbish classification is a general term for a series of activities to separate rubbish for storage, placing and handling in accordance with certain regulations or standards, so as to convert it into public resources. Its purpose is to improve the resource value and economic value of rubbish, and strive to make the best use of it.

Classification Criteria

Domestic waste is generally classified according to the following four categories:

Recyclables: mainly including waste paper, plastics, glass, metals and fabrics. These wastes can be recycled to reduce waste and loss of resources, conserve resources and protect the earth’s resources.
Hazardous waste: refers to waste batteries, waste lamps, waste medicines, waste paints and their containers, and other household wastes that are directly or potentially harmful to human health or the natural environment. This type of waste requires special treatment and disposal to reduce pollution and damage to the environment.
Food waste (wet waste): Includes leftovers, bones, vegetable roots and leaves, fruit peels and other food waste. This type of waste can be converted into organic fertiliser for agricultural production through composting or bio-fermentation treatment.
Other wastes (dry wastes): Includes wastes that are difficult to recycle such as masonry and ceramics, slag, toilet paper, paper towels and other wastes in addition to the above types of wastes. This type of waste is usually treated by landfill or incineration.

Implementation methods and approaches

Separate collection: The waste is collected separately according to the type of waste and placed in different bins or bags. This requires residents to have a clear sense of classification when putting out waste and to follow the required standards.
Publicity and education: Through advertisements, bulletin boards, publicity vehicles and other forms, to popularise the knowledge of rubbish classification among community residents and raise their awareness of rubbish classification. This helps to form an atmosphere in which the whole community participates in waste classification.
Compulsory classification: Through policies and regulations, residents are compelled to classify rubbish, and those who fail to do so are fined or punished. This helps to ensure the effective implementation of waste separation.
Rubbish separation labelling: Labeling rubbish bins or bags with the types of rubbish to be separated and labelling them to facilitate residents to separate and put them away. This helps to reduce confusion and misdirection when residents separate waste for disposal.
Rubbish removal and disposal: Different types of rubbish should be removed and disposed of in a segregated manner to avoid waste of resources and environmental pollution caused by the mixing of rubbish. This requires waste treatment companies to have the appropriate technology and equipment to ensure that all types of waste are handled properly.


The significance of waste classification is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

Protecting the environment: Reducing the quantity and types of rubbish, lowering the difficulty and cost of rubbish disposal, and reducing pollution and damage to the environment.
Promote the recycling of resources: Separate recyclable items to achieve the reuse of resources and reduce the waste and loss of resources.
Improve quality of life: better management and maintenance of the living environment for a more comfortable and healthy life.
Enhance the awareness of environmental protection: Enhance the knowledge and awareness of environmental protection and develop good environmental protection habits through waste classification.
Promote the progress of social civilisation: as one of the symbols of social civilisation, it promotes the progress and development of social civilisation through waste classification.

To sum up, waste classification is an important environmental protection measure that requires the joint efforts and participation of the whole society. Through the implementation of effective rubbish classification measures, effective recycling of resources and protection of the environment can be achieved, contributing to the sustainable development of mankind.

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