Environmental Science | Fifteen green environmental protection tips, please collect!

With the progress of science and technology, people’s living standards have improved greatly, but pollution has also come, low-carbon, environmental protection is also more and more people’s attention, here to share some of us in the life of each person within the reach of some of the green knowledge.

1, what are the main environmental pollution?

A: air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, food pollution, radioactive pollution, noise pollution.

2, industrial “three wastes” and life “three wastes” refers to what?

A: Industrial waste refers to: wastewater, waste gas, waste residue. Living three wastes are: faeces, rubbish, sewage.

3, through the pollution of food on the human body caused by the main pesticides?

A: organochlorine pesticides, organophosphorus pesticides, organic mercury pesticides.

4, water pollution is often referred to as the “five toxic” substances?

A: phenol, cyanide, mercury, chromium, arsenic.

5, what are the five gases that cause the most damage to green plants?

A: nitrogen oxide, ethylene, chlorine, fluoride, sulfur dioxide.

6, what are the top ten junk food?

A: fried food, canned food, preserved food, processed meat, fat and animal offal food, cream products, instant noodles, barbecue food, frozen desserts, preserved fruit and candied fruit.

7, what are the hazards of junk food?

A: “Three highs and three lows”: high calories, high sodium, high fat; low fibre, low vitamins, low minerals. Characterised by high sodium or sugar content and carcinogenic substances, long-term consumption will have a huge impact on human health.

8, What are the elements of haze formation?

A: There are 3 main elements of haze formation: First, the physical base source that generates particulate-type dust. China has the world’s largest Loess Plateau region, whose soil texture is most likely to generate particulate dust particles. Second, the movement of the poor cause dust. Third, the dust base source and the process of movement difference gathered in a certain spatial range, particles and water molecules eventually combined with the aggregation of haze.

9, a brief description of the “June 5” World Environment Day origin.

A: In the world’s environmental protection in the situation of the increasingly high voice, on 5 June 1972, the United Nations held in Stockholm, Sweden, the capital of 113 countries participated in the first environmental conference of mankind, adopted the “Declaration on the Human Environment” and “Plan of Action for the Human Environment”, the establishment of the United Nations Environment Programme, and will be every year on 5 June as the “World Environment Day “.

10, China’s seven major water systems are polluted to varying degrees, please rank them in order of the severity of pollution.

A: In order: Liaohe, Haihe, Huaihe, Yellow River, Songhua River, Pearl River, Yangtze River.

11, What are the hazards of noise?

A: Noise is harmful to human hearing organs, nervous system, cardiovascular and digestive system.

12、What are the elements of an ecosystem?

A: Producers, consumers, decomposers, non-living matter and energy.

13,In 1997, the first six cities in China were designated as national environmental protection imitation cities, these six cities are?

A: Xiamen, Dalian, Zhuhai, Shenzhen, Weihai, Haikou.

14, what are the main environmental problems in the city?

A: air pollution, water pollution, solid waste, noise pollution.

15, so far China has promulgated six environmental protection laws, please name at least four laws.

A: Environmental Protection Law, Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law, Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law, Marine Protection Law, Noise Pollution Prevention and Control Law, Municipal Garbage Pollution Prevention and Control Law.

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